

Hello! I live and work in Nova Scotia, Canada. I always knew I wanted to be an artist and after high school I enrolled in NSCAD University where I studied sculpture, media arts and art history. After NSCAD I became deeply interested in philosophy and decided to pursue it, eventually going on to complete a Masters degree in philosophy at Dalhousie University that culminated in a thesis on the nature of creativity. Throughout these studies I continued to make art working primarily in drawing, painting and woodburning. It was sometime later, in 2016, that I discovered ceramics. I am self taught and spent many hours trying, failing and trying again. My pottery journal is filled with drama.

 When I tried hand building with clay it felt like a homecoming. My first slab built vases were a revelation and I never looked back. Making ceramics with slabs is a mix of drafting, designing, physical labor and delicate hand work. I love every part of the process. The look and feel of ceramic pieces made this way touch a deep aesthetic sensibility in me. I believe I put my best self into this work and hope that some of the joy and enthusiasm it sparks in me is passed on in some way to all who see it.

yellow vasesyellow vasesyellow vases